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Debunked: The Biggest Myths about RO Water Purifier Services

RO Water Purifier Services

RO water purifier services have become increasingly popular due to their effectiveness in providing clean and safe drinking water. However, there are several misconceptions and myths surrounding these services. In this article, we will debunk the biggest myths about RO water purifier services and provide clarity on their functionality, maintenance, and overall benefits.

1. Myth: RO water purifiers remove all minerals from water

Fact: One common myth is that RO water purifiers strip water of all essential minerals, making it less healthy. While it’s true that RO systems can remove some minerals, they also remove harmful contaminants. A well-balanced diet usually provides us with necessary minerals, and mineralization filters can be added to replenish minerals in purified water.

2. Myth: water purifiers waste a lot of water

Fact: Another misconception is that RO water purifiers waste a significant amount of water. While it’s true that RO systems produce some wastewater during the filtration process, modern RO systems are designed to be more water-efficient. The wastewater can be repurposed for other household uses, reducing wastage.

3. Myth: RO water purifiers require frequent filter changes

Fact: Some believe that water purifiers need frequent filter changes, making them expensive to maintain. The frequency of filter changes depends on factors like water quality and usage. With proper maintenance and regular servicing, filter replacements can be done at appropriate intervals, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

4. Myth: RO water purifiers make water too acidic

Fact: There is a misconception that water purifiers make water overly acidic, which can be harmful. RO systems are designed to provide a neutral pH level, ensuring the water remains balanced and safe for consumption. The pH of the purified water may vary slightly depending on the source water’s initial pH.

5. Myth: RO water purifiers are complex and difficult to install

Fact: Some people believe that installing an water purifier is a complex task that requires professional help. While professional installation is recommended for optimal performance, many modern RO systems come with user-friendly installation instructions. With basic plumbing knowledge and following the manufacturer’s guidelines, installing an RO water purifier can be a manageable DIY project.

6. Myth: Boiling water is as effective as using an RO water purifier

Fact: Boiling water is an effective method to kill bacteria and viruses. However, it does not remove other contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and dissolved solids. RO water purifiers use advanced filtration technology to remove a wide range of contaminants, ensuring comprehensive water purification.

7. Myth: RO water purifiers are only necessary in areas with poor water quality

Fact: While it’s true that water purifiers are highly beneficial in areas with poor water quality, they are beneficial in all regions. Even if your tap water meets regulatory standards, it can still contain trace amounts of contaminants. RO water purifiers provide an extra layer of protection, ensuring the water you consume is of the highest quality.

8. Conclusion

By debunking these common myths about water purifier services, it becomes clear that these systems are highly effective in providing clean and safe drinking water. They strike a balance between removing contaminants and maintaining essential minerals, offer water-efficient solutions, and are suitable for various locations and water sources. Understanding the facts about RO water purifiers allows us to make informed decisions about our water purification needs.


  1. Can RO water purifiers remove viruses?
    Yes, water purifiers are effective in removing a wide range of contaminants, including viruses. The semi-permeable membrane used in RO systems can block viruses from passing through, ensuring purified water.
  2. Do RO water purifiers require electricity to operate?
    Yes, most water purifiers require electricity to power the filtration process. However, some models may have options for non-electric operation, such as gravity-based systems.
  3. How often should I service my RO water purifier?
    Regular maintenance is important to ensure the optimal performance of your RO water purifier. It is generally recommended to service the system every six months or as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. Are there any alternative water purification methods?
    Yes, apart from water purifiers, there are other water purification methods such as UV purification, activated carbon filters, and distillation. Each method has its own advantages and suitability depending on specific water quality and purification requirements.
  5. Where can I find reliable RO water purifier services?
    Unity Enterprises is a reputable provider of water purifier services. They offer professional maintenance, repairs, and installation services to ensure the optimal performance of your RO water purifier. For more information, you can visit their website.
  6. Are there any external links to big websites related to water purifier services?
    Yes, you can find more information about water purifier services and related topics on reputable websites such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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