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The RO Water Purifier Service Checklist Every Homeowner Needs

RO water purifier

Maintaining your RO water purifier is crucial to ensure the availability of clean and safe drinking water in your home. To help you stay on top of the necessary maintenance tasks, we have created a comprehensive checklist that every homeowner should follow. By adhering to this checklist, you can prolong the lifespan of your RO water purifier and maintain the quality of the water it produces.

1. Regular Filter Replacements

Replace the pre-filters, post-filters, and membrane of your RO water purifier as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Regular filter replacements ensure effective removal of impurities and maintain the purifier’s performance.

2. Cleaning the System

Clean the storage tank, faucet, and other external components of your RO water purifier periodically. Use a mild detergent and water to remove any accumulated dirt or grime. This helps prevent contamination and maintains the overall hygiene of the system.

3. Sanitization

Periodically sanitize your water purifier to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and use appropriate sanitizing solutions to ensure the purified water remains safe for consumption.

4. Check for Leaks

Inspect your water purifier for any signs of leaks. Check the connections, tubes, and fittings for any visible water leakage. Address any leaks promptly to prevent water wastage and potential damage to the system.

5. Monitor Water Quality

Regularly test the quality of the water produced by your RO water purifier. Use home test kits or seek professional water testing services to ensure that the purifier is effectively removing contaminants and providing clean drinking water.

6. Schedule Professional Servicing

Arrange for professional servicing of your water purifier at least once every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer. Professional technicians can thoroughly inspect the system, identify any underlying issues, and perform necessary maintenance or repairs.

7. Keep a Maintenance Record

Maintain a record of all the maintenance tasks performed on your water purifier. Note down the dates of filter replacements, sanitization, and professional servicing. This record will help you stay organized and track the maintenance history of your purifier.


By following this RO water purifier service checklist, you can ensure that your purifier operates efficiently and provides clean drinking water for you and your family. Regular filter replacements, cleaning, sanitization, leak checks, water quality monitoring, professional servicing, and maintaining a maintenance record are essential tasks that every homeowner should prioritize.


  1. Can I replace the filters of my RO water purifier myself?
    Yes, some filters can be replaced by the homeowner. However, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and seek professional assistance for complex filter replacements.
  2. How often should I clean and sanitize my RO water purifier?
    Cleaning and sanitization frequency may vary based on usage and water quality. It is generally recommended to clean the external components periodically and sanitize the system every six months or as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  3. Where can I find reliable RO water purifier services?
    Unity Enterprises is a reputable provider of RO water purifier services. They offer professional maintenance, repairs, and installation services to ensure the optimal performance of your RO water purifier. For more information, you can visit their website.
  4. How can I schedule a service for my RO water purifier?
    You can contact Unity Enterprises through their website or by calling their customer service hotline to schedule a service appointment for your RO water purifier. Their dedicated team will assist you in addressing any concerns and arranging a convenient service time.
  5. What should I do if I notice a significant decrease in water flow?
    A decrease in water flow could indicate clogged filters or other issues. Start by checking and replacing the filters if necessary. If the problem persists, contact a professional service provider to diagnose and resolve the issue.

For additional tips on home maintenance, you can also refer to this home maintenance checklist.

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